Vol 16, No 4 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 12
- URL: https://journals.ssau.ru/pwp/issue/view/394
Time dependence of object wave amplitude at four-wave mixing with allowance for resonant and thermal nonlinearities
The analytical expression connecting the time dependence of spatial spectrum of object wave with the time dependence of spatial spectrum of signal wave has been obtained for degenerate four-wave radiation converter on resonant and thermal nonlinearities. It is shown, that simultaneous taking to account two types of nonlinearity lead to emergence of additional wave in an object wave. The connection of exit time to a steady-state value of this additional wave with exit time to a steady-state value of the object waves caused by existence only thermal or only resonant nonlinearities has been found.
On frequency characteristics of digital generator based on discrete time Van-der-Pol oscillator
A software implementation of pseudorandom bit streams generator is viewed. Implementation is built upon discrete time model of Van-der-Pol oscillator using its chaotic mode. The sequence producing methods are examined and evaluated from the point of cryptographic strength and producing speed. An assessment of cryptographic characteristics for bit streams is performed using NIST statistical test suit.
Formation of space-time structures and chaotic modes by ensemble of the self-oscillators in two-dimensional wave field
The research results of formation of structures and chaotic modes are presented on the basis of the numerical simulation of nonlinear oscillatory system The modes forming of space-time structures are compared. The way of transition to chaotic mode of oscillations is showed.
Surface polaritons at the boundary of the bulk titanium – vacuum
The calculations of the real and imaginary part of complex dielectric constant of bulk Ti is produced by the first principles. Using the SIESTA program, the simulating of the interaction of light with substance is carried out. For a Ti layer the reflection frequency – angle spectra have been analyzed in the ATR configuration. The surface polaritons may be generated in this case.
Spectral method applying for solving closed waveguides diffraction problems
By the means of spectral method the universal algorithm of calculation of diffraction in closed waveguides with arbitrary dielectric filling is presented. The method is based upon presenting of diffracting structures fields as serial expansion of some basis functions, having completeness and satisfying boundary conditions of waveguide’s boundary.
Luneberg lens dissipation properties for electromagnetic field of circular polarization
The calculated scattering diagram for main and cross-polarization components of Luneburg lens, when a plane wave with a circularly polarized electromagnetic field. As a model of the lens is selected from the six-layer structure of the dielectric permittivity values of the variable individual layers. For several sizes of lenses produced in the scattering coefficient. The absorption coefficient is obtained through the use of the optical theorem. Defined portion of the power dissipated field of cross-polarization.
Mathematical model of dual-pass conical spiral antenna with finite size thin wire reflector
Article is devoted to the construction of a mathematical model dual-pass conical spiral antenna located on a flat rectangular reflector up Fine. Model building is carried out on the basis of integral representations of electromagnetic field coupling surface currents on the radiating electromagnetic field at any point in space. The question of the influence of the size and density of the reflector grid on its antenna pattern. Shows the results of numerical simulations.
The scatter of radio impulses by opened ideally carrying out ring
On the basis of the numerical solution of integrated-differential equations with existential operators for equivalent axial distribution of current and a charge the analysis of secondary radiation of radio impulses by the opened thin ideally carrying out tubular ring is carried out. Dependences of the power chart of dispersion of a ring on its electric sizes, type and parameters of irradiating signals are investigated.
Technology of broadcasting television in multi-service networks
Deals with modern technology provide digital television broadcasting in broadband access networks and their classification based on the model of OSI. The evolution of multimedia content delivery protocols for IP-networks. A comparative analysis of technologies encoding and transmission of multimedia content for the organization of services in the local and global data networks.
Mathematical modeling and numerical calculations of supracrystalline supercapacitors and superinductors for the very low frequency radioelectronics
The possibility of high efficient supercapacitors and superinductorscreation on the basis of supracrystalline metallic and dielectric nanotubes is shown. The mathematical models and the programs for an optimal values of supercapacitors specific capacity and specific reserved energy, and superinductors inductance are developed. Such supracrystalline supercapacitors and superinductors can be used in very low frequency radioelectronic devices.
Increase of efficiency of the resonant electromagnetic accelerator
Researches directed on increase of efficiency of the resonant electromagnetic accelerator are resulted. The modernized system of the accelerator, different is offered by presence of system of additional charge of the store. The offered system with application of the developed recommendations has theoretical efficiency of transformation of energy of the store in kinetic energy of a flying body of equal 70 %.
Nonlinear genetics. Inbreeding and genetic load
Comparison of concepts of occurrence and accumulation of the genetic load in result of inbreeding for a family tree and a population is given. It is shown that for the population the analysis of the genetic load concerns to area of nonlinear genetics. The nonlinear differential equation of the second order being the special case of the Hardy-Weinberg law at presence inbreeding for the population is found. The numerical decision of this equation allowed to find the law of recessive allele frequency growth in the population is given. Some aspects of the traditional theory of the genetic load are considered.