Vol 20, No 2 (2017)


Application of thin-wire integral representations of the electromagnetic field to the electrodynamic analysis of vibrator antennas with a large cross-section

Tabakov D., Morozov S., Neganov V.


The article considers the construction of mathematical models of vibrator antennas with a large cross-section on the basis of thin-wire integral representations of the electromagnetic field. A mathematical model of a thin-wire vibrator is obtained, equivalent to the model of a tubular vibrator. It is shown that taking into account the rotational symmetry of the structure in the fine-wire integral representations of the electromagnetic field when solving the internal electrodynamic problem leads to the Fredholm integral equation of the first kind, and not to the singular integral equation, which takes place when using the tubular model. The results of calculation of current distributions on thin conductors forming a vibrator are presented, as well as the dependence of their input resistance on the electrical length of the vibrator.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2017;20(2):4-13
pages 4-13 views 1232

Light squeezing for three-atom Jaynes-Cummings model in lossless cavity

Bashkirov E.


The dynamics of resonance one-photon three-atom Jaynes-Cummings model for coherent cavity field has been investigated. The possibility of cavity mode squeezing for small values of mean photon numbers has been established. We have also derived that for three-atom model the squeezing is absent for large cavity intensity in contrast to one-atom case.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2017;20(2):14-20
pages 14-20 views 1051

Radiophotonics two-frequency methods for interrogation of similar fiber Bragg gratings, united to the group

Morozov O., Morozov G., Nureev I., Sakhabutdinov A., Artem’ev V.


The article presents the operating principles, evaluation of metrological characteristics and embodiments for microwave photonics probing of similar FBG interrogator based on frequency shift interferometry and variation of difference frequencies. It is shown, for the first time, the possibility of using them in dual-frequency probing radiation format, when latter received via microwave amplitude-phase conversion of the optical carrier by the Il’in-Morozov’s method. The prospects of these methods use in the structure of the fiber-optic sensor-networks are discussed.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2017;20(2):21-34
pages 21-34 views 1196

Finite differences for design of nonlinear discrete time oscillators

Zaitsev V., Fedyunin E., Shilin A.


The method of finite differences is used for sampling of time in mathematical models - the differential motion equations of self-oscillatory systems of Thomson type. It is shown that both the right, and left differences allow to keep conservatism of a linear oscillatory contour of self-oscillatory system, but the iterated differential motion equations (discrete mappings) give only the left differences. The method of slow-changing amplitudes is applied to approximate analysis of the finite differences equations. Violations in dynamics of a phase of self-oscillations upon transition to discrete time are noted. The mode of generation of chaotic self-oscillations at high levels of excitement of the discrete oscillator of Van der Pol is shown. New approach to design of self-oscillatory systems with discrete time is offered. Parameters of the difference operators are selected from it taking into account invariance of the shortened equations for slow complex amplitudes of rather temporal sampling.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2017;20(2):35-41
pages 35-41 views 1065

The modern receivers of a reference frequency and time signals (receivers-comparators)

Akulov V., Pikhtelev A.


The principles of a construction of a modern receivers of a reference frequency and time signals, included GLONASS/GPS signals, are considered in this paper. A mathematical model of the synchronization system of the receiver-comparator was proposed, and the results of its analysis and its modeling was leaded.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2017;20(2):42-46
pages 42-46 views 1033

Architecture of fault-tolerant storage device for onboard control systems of spacecraft

Evdokimov A., Nazarov A., Ryabtsev V.


The problem of increasing technical readiness coefficient memory, the value of which increases with decreasing control system recovery time in case of failure of its constituent units. The proposed structure of the memory module with built-in self-test and restore functionality that will allow you to auto-replace bits of data of the main memory cell array, in which there have been failures in the data output from the spare memory cell array. Automatic reconfiguration of the memory module when a fault is detected provides the proposed hardware and software.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2017;20(2):47-54
pages 47-54 views 1093

Method of verification of results of individual forecasting of products of radioelectronic facilities for space purposes with the help of cluster analysis algorithms

Mishanov R., Piganov M.


The methodology and algorithm for obtaining verification results are proposed. The algorithm includes five steps: choice of parameters for cluster analysis algorithms, determination of the initial data by the results of the training experiment, conversion of source data, determining the composition of the cluster groups, calculation of verification accuracy. A sample of CMOS type chips was used for the training experiment. The dendogram is the result of calculation for the hierarchical classification. The composition of each of the clusters was determined. Verification results are presented for nine variants.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2017;20(2):55-63
pages 55-63 views 1067

Avtomatiс device of registration and stimulation caused by brain potential

Antipov O., Zacharov A., Machihin V., Pyatin V.


The article describes the operation of the device fixing of moment the date of brain activity on the electroencephalogram, which will allow to allocate evoked potentials appearing in the cerebral cortex in complex multimodal stimulations in order to use the results to create brain-computer interface BCI. The device allows you to use any of the electroencephalography registrar for the purposes of allocation of evoked potentials used in BCI. The description of the device and how it works. Showing some of the results using the device, which are held within the framework of the development of BCI.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2017;20(2):64-68
pages 64-68 views 1184

Some features of the image production in a computer x-ray tomograph

Volobuev A., Adyshirin-zade K., Antipova T.


The principle of an x-ray tomography is considered. Some laws of x-ray radiation and organism tissue interaction are submitted. How on the basis of Radon’s transformation form the projective data for reconstruction of the image in a computer x-ray tomograph there are shown. Theoretical bases of the projections forms and reconstruction of axial-symmetrical pathological focus are presented.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2017;20(2):69-74
pages 69-74 views 1094