Algorithm for conducting autonomous tests of radio electronic means

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Due to the increasing complexity of radio electronic equipment, the problem of its reliability becomes much more acute. At the same time, the task of evaluating on-board equipment at the design and production stages becomes very urgent. An important issue is also the reliable determination of numerical values of its reliability indicators. Ground-based experimental testing of samples of on-board radio-electronic facilities, devices, assemblies and units facilitates the solution of this problem. In the course of this testing, various tests conducted. It been shown that the timeliest information about the quality and reliability of the equipment can be obtained from autonomous tests. In the article, the choice of an autonomous test facility has made. A microprocessor-based temperature controller chosen as an autonomous test object. The expert evaluation method used to select the object. Analysis of specifications carried out. The scope of autonomous tests was determined. An algorithm for autonomous testing of on-board radio electronic equipment of spacecraft was developed. It has properties of discreteness, determinacy, limb and mass. The development of the autonomous test algorithm takes more account of the specifics of the technology used to manufacture the product under test and the test sequence. One of the options for mathematical modelling of the process of selecting test equipment for autonomous tests been considered.

About the authors

Alexey P. Bykov

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.


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Copyright (c) 2020 Bykov A.

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