The solution of problems on exclusion of parasitic communication channels and mixing of RTS signals at the input of the receiver of the NPC during tests on the SC LV of the SOYUZ type

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In work methods of solution of tasks of the exception of parasitic communication channels and mixing of signals of RTS are presented on the NIP receiver entrance at tests on the starting complex «Souz» rocket at the spaceports the Guiana space center and «East». Designs and electric characteristics of the antenna nozzles of meter and decimeter frequency band applied to suppression of parasitic communication channels are given. The scheme of work with the active frequency translating repeater is provided.

About the authors

D.S. Klyuev

Поволжский государственный университет телекоммуникаций и информатики

Author for correspondence.

A.A. Kuzmenko

Поволжский государственный университет телекоммуникаций и информатики


A.S. Malcev

АО «РКЦ «Прогресс»


D.V. Mishin

Поволжский государственный университет телекоммуникаций и информатики


S.B. Philippov

АО «РКЦ «Прогресс»



Supplementary files

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Copyright (c) 2018 Klyuev D., Kuzmenko A., Malcev A., Mishin D., Philippov S.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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