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Environmental protection is an important concern for society. One of the most relevant topics of recent times is the solution of the issue related to attracting private investment in solving environmental problems in Russia. The use of public-private partnership mechanisms is seen as the most promising tool for this. Herewith, the fruitful application of this institution in the field of environmental protection largely depends on the effectiveness of its legal regulation. Meanwhile, it seems that the existing approach in the Russian legislation does not meet this condition yet. There is no special legal regulation of PPPs in the environmental sphere, and the current Federal Law of July 13, 2015 No. 224-FZ contains norms restricting its application for different reasons, posing to scientists and practitioners as a whole the question of the effectiveness of this specified legal act in environmental sphere. In order to determine the most optimal model of legal regulation of PPP in the fi eld of environmental protection in the Russian Federation, among other things, it is necessary to study the experience of such legal regulation in foreign countries. This article is devoted to the study of this particular issue. The article considers the main models of legal regulation and forms of public-private partnerships in foreign countries, and also analyzes a number of specifi c PPP projects aimed at protecting the environment and their legal regulation. According to the results of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that there is no special legal regulation of these relations. However, this fact is not an obstacle to the use of PPP in the field of environmental protection. The author concludes that artificially limiting the use of PPP to solve environmental problems is not justified.

About the authors

A. A. Babich

Law Department, PJSC «GAZPROM»

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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