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The course of judicial reforms of the nineteenth and late twentieth centuries and the introduction of their provisions in life, we should remember about the amazing repetition of
history. The fact that both reforms, despite the obvious successes, to be called moving forward,
or at least not admit to inconclusive or erroneous, faced from the start the fledgling opposition.
The main argument in favour of derogations from the key provisions of judicial reform and then today is the mismatch of new procedural forms mentality of the Russian nation, its legal traditions and a particular historical moment and its national objectives. In General it should be recognized that the Judicial Statutes of 1864 were much more productive from the point of view of the procedural achievements of the revolution in domestic criminal proceedings, rather than reform of late XX – early XXI centuries. It creates a strong belief that you held in the autocratic Russia of the conversion procedure left us the legacy of "forever" but the novels of the Criminal procedural code of Russia of 2001 can not live for several decades. This is due to the fact that with all the shortcomings and trade-offs which cannot be avoided during the preparation and approval of legal regulations, the reform of 1864 was a coherent logical structure, the essence of which is the prosecution of organizational may not adjust an objective
knowledge of the circumstances of the offense and affect the power of the judiciary. Hence the
Institute of the judicial investigator, albeit with a certain cost, but objective and impartial, you can trust the goal of the criminal process, as the achievement of objective truth. They prevent excessive formal legal barriers in the course of evidence or in the system stages of the criminal process. Modern criminal procedure as a result of the reform 90-ies of XX century, just passed for a model of inconsistency, eclecticism and inconsistent implementation of ideas of the concept of "criminal complaint" in the traditional (pre-revolutionary times) the fabric of criminal procedure aimed at achieving the objective truth. As a result, democratic principles consistent with this concept, hopelessly bogged down in the old structure pre-trial and criminal procedure proof.

About the authors

T. K. Ryabinina

Department of the Criminal Process and Criminalistics, Southwest State University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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