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The article presents the author's analysis on the basis of the analysis of the activities of investigators and other persons involved in the investigation of crimes algorithm of actions when reporting the crime provided by Article 193 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, both at the stage before the initiation of a criminal case, and after its initiation. Author's explanations are given on the grounds, reasons and grounds for the detection by the operational units of the crime related to violations of the rules of repatriation of funds. A typical list of activities that need to be carried out by the investigator during the verification of the report of a crime, established at the stage of criminal proceedings, is presented. The findings of the paper should allow a new perspective on some aspects of the forensics research facility.

About the authors

R. A. Gvozdarev

Department of Vocational Training, East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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