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In 2019, 294 409 criminal assaults were registered in the Russian Federation, committed using information and communications technologies, of which only 65 238 acts were disclosed. In addition, a certain part of crimes in the information and telecommunications space remains out of sight of law enforcement agencies-latent. The authors of the article have formulated the concepts of crime in the information and communications space and latent criminal acts committed using information and communications technologies. The article analyzes the determinants of latency of
crimes carried out using it. The conclusion is formulated that it is necessary to purposefully influence the determinants of latent crime committed using ICT, which makes it possible to remove a certain part of illegal encroachments from the «shadow».

About the authors

O. A. Boyko

Department of Criminology, Psychology and Pedagogy, Omsk Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

A. S. Unukovich

Department of Criminology, Psychology and Pedagogy, Omsk Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2020 Boyko O.A., Unukovich A.S.

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