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The article analyzes the key family legal terms «family», «close relatives», «family members», «in-laws», «former family member», «relatives», legally defined by codified normative legal acts. The importance of defi ning these terms is determined due to the fact that the national marriage and family legislation is faced with the task of strengthening the family as a natural and basic unit of society. In the study, a number of conclusions were made and there was made a conclusion that a number of family legal terms need to be corrected. Arguments are given in favor of stating in the new edition of Article 60 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Marriage and Family, devoted to the issues of determining subjects that are in close relationship. It is concluded that it is inappropriate to avoid mentioning de facto marital relations in the Marriage and Family Code, while Civil Procedure Code directly mentions them. Using the techniques of comparative studies, the author independently developed a table that refl ects the content of the terms «relatives», «close relatives», «family members», «in-laws», «former family members», and some others which are
defined out in codified legal sources of the Republic of Belarus.

About the authors

M. V. Andryiashka

Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure, South Ural State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: grigorjewa.katerina@yandex.ru
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2020 Andryiashka M.V.

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