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The article discusses the modern private method of investigating theft by abuse of authority. Its elaboration on the basis of the forensic characteristics does not allow in the process of investigation to fully reveal the content of material elements of the structure of perfect theft of this type. This allowed us to conclude that the criminalistic presentation of these crimes is insufficient. According to the author, the basis of the forensic characteristics of theft through abuse of
authority, should be knowledge of the general elements of their material structure. In the future, information about the elements of the material structure, as a result of the description of their features, should be one of the main parts of the criminalistic characteristics of the crime. Knowledge of the elements of the material structure of the crime, combined with their forensic characteristics, provide a solid forensic basis for constructing private methods for investigating thefts through abuse of authority.

About the authors

A. M. Khlus

Department of Criminalistics, Belarusian State University

Author for correspondence.


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