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The article uses historical, comparative and legal methods to assess the change in the role of the victim in the criminal process. The article is devoted to a detailed analysis of the goals of the victim and his representative (lawyer) in criminal proceedings, an attempt is made to determine which of them are the main and which are secondary. The author concludes that it is incorrect to reduce the role of the victim's participation in the criminal process only to compensation for the harm caused to him. When carrying out their activities, the victim, together with their representative (lawyer), simultaneously protects both personal and public interests. To achieve this goal, due to the implementation of the principle of competition, the victim is assigned to the prosecution. Confirmation of this conclusion is the granting of rights to the victim to participate in the execution stage of the sentence. In this regard, the experience of the UK, where the victim has a fairly broad rights at the stage of consideration of the issue of parole of a prisoner, is analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the Prisoners (Disclosure of Information About Victims) Bill, which was submitted to the British Parliament in early 2020. However, the article emphasizes that the victim is free to choose his position on the case (implementation of dispositive principles). This circumstance, in the author's opinion, determines the specifi cs of the lawyer's activity to protect the rights of the victim in criminal proceedings and significantly aff ects the essence of his tactics.

About the authors

V. V. Gorsky

Department of Criminalistics, Voronezh State University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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