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This article considers the origins of the concept of a «right to a dignifi ed existence» and the provisions on the right to a dignifi ed existence provided for in a number of international instruments in Russian legal science. The author reviews theoretical issues related to the determination of the legal nature of this right and the powers constituting its content in more detail, together with its relationship with other subjective rights that comprise the content of the civil legal capacity of individuals. Much attention has been devoted to the problems, existing in the realization of the right to a dignifi ed existence in modern conditions, characterized by a decline in living standards of many Russian citizens, it must therefore be concluded, that the noted factors adversely affect the possibility of full realization of civil rights and the full development of personal potential. The author examines the main directions of development and enforcement of this subjective law, the fi rst step of which should be its legal consolidation among other subjective rights of Russian citizens.

About the authors

I. A. Mikhaylova

Department of Civil and Entrepreneurial Law, Russian State Academy of Intell ectual Property

Author for correspondence.
Email: grigorjewa.katerina@yandex.ru
Russian Federation


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