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The article considers the establishment of dictatorship of admiral A. V. Kolchak as a result of the intervention of the United States, Britain and France in the internal affairs of Russia. During the investigation of the admiral's case, the role of US President Wilson, British minister of war W. Churchill and other Entente leaders in appointing the admiral as the Supreme ruler, as well as the material and military assistance that was provided to him was established. The analysis of creation and activity of investigative commissions in the case of A. V. Kolchak and members of his government is given. The investigation established numerous facts of executions, corporal punishment, torture, the practice of sentencing to death in absentia, and the burning of villages and villages by the troops of the Supreme ruler A. V. Kolchak. With the coming to power of A. V. Kolchak, the dictatorship of the Terry white guard was established, something of its own was created – prisons on wheels, «echelons of death». The investigation into the case of admiral Kolchak revealed the essence of kolchakism, the purpose and objectives of foreign intervention in Russia. Modern historical literature combines various assessments of A. V. Kolchak, in which the authors try to rehabilitate him without taking into account the very numerous factual data contained in the central and local archives of Russia, as well as monographs, scientific articles and collections of documents on the subject under consideration. In 2004, a monument to A. V. Kolchak was erected in Irkutsk, and his memory was immortalized by installing memorial plaques in St. Petersburg, Kronstadt, Omsk, Sevastopol and other cities.

About the authors

R. L. Khachaturov

Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Institute of Law, Togliatti State University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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