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This article is an attempt to defi ne the main meanings of the concept of «corruption» in modern Russian jurisprudence. Corruption (forms of corrupt behavior) is considered as a systemic negative social phenomenon (corruption deviance) and as a conditional system of specifi c types of corruption offenses (acts of delinquent behavior), responsibility for the commission of which is provided for by the current legislation. Based on the difference between the formal legal (positivist) and sociological types of legal understanding, the author distinguishes between corruption activities in general and certain types of corruption offenses; analyzes the main forms of corruption, their individual characteristics and features. Conclusions are drawn about the need for detailed development of specifi c components of corruption offenses in various branches of Russian law and the inevitability of the emergence of a single philosophical and legal concept of
corruption as a global negative social phenomenon. The fundamental importance of a multi-factor approach in studying the nature of corruption, as well as the most important conditions and causes of its appearance and development in society is determined.

About the authors

M. Yu. Spirin

Department of Theory and History of State and Law and International Law, Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2020 Spirin M.Y.

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