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This article is dedicated to the memory of the famous scientist, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation Viktor Pavlovich Malkov. More than 50 years he gave scientifi c and pedagogical activities, gave lectures, wrote numerous scientifi c articles, monographs, study guides, textbooks on topical issues of the multiplicity of crimes, issues of sentencing, improving the quality and effectiveness of judicial decisions, differentiating criminal liability for certain crimes, developing legal education and etc. In addition to the problems of criminal law, Viktor Pavlovich was pleased to engage in criminal proceedings, not limited to narrow problems. V. P. Malkov was not just a theorist, he perfectly saw the prospects for the development of society and domestic legislation. Many of his ideas and suggestions in one form or another were embodied in the provisions of the relevant regulatory acts and entered into law enforcement practice. He was not only a scientist, but also a teacher, not only made a huge contribution to the development of
the science of criminal law, but he also passed on his precious experience to his students – he prepared 74 candidates of sciences and 11 doctors of sciences.

About the authors

S. V. Tasakov

Department of Criminal and Legal Disciplines, I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


  1. Malkov V. P. Mnozhestvennost' prestuplenii po sovetskomu ugolovnomu pravu: avtoref. dis. … d-ra yurid. nauk [Multiplicity of crimes under Soviet criminal law: author's abstract of Doctoral of Law thesis]. Kazan, 1974
  2. [in Russian].
  3. Malkov V. P. Institut mnozhestvennosti prestuplenii v doktrine i ugolovnom zakonodatel'stve Rossii [Institute of crime multiplicity in the doctrine and the Russian criminal law]. Aktual'nye problemy ekonomiki i prava [Actual Problems of Economics and Law], 2008, no. 4 (8), pp. 172–178. Available at: [in Russian].
  4. Malkov V. P. Nekotorye voprosy povysheniya kachestva i effektivnosti chastnykh opredelenii sudov [Some issues of improving the quality and effectiveness of private court decisions]. In: Voprosy effektivnosti sovetskogo ugolovnogo protsessa [Issues of effectiveness of the Soviet
  5. criminal process]. Kazan: Izd-vo Kazan. un-ta, 1976, pp. 139–[in Russian].
  6. Malkov V. P. Primenenie obshchikh nachal naznacheniya nakazaniya [Application of the general principles of sentencing]. Sovetskaya yustitsiya [Soviet Justice], 1986, no. 14, p. 10 [in Russian].
  7. Malkov V. P. Sudebnaya vlast': ot imeni kogo ei vershit' pravosudie [Judicial branch: on behalf of whom it is to administer justice]. In: Kategorial'nyi apparat ugolovnogo prava i protsessa [Categorical apparatus of criminal law and process]. Yaroslavl: Izd-vo YarGU, 1993, pp. 76–86 [in Russian].
  8. Malkov V. P. Ne obzhaluemoe pravosudie – nekonstitutsionno ![Unapproved justice is unconstitutional!]. Izvestiya Tatarstana [Tatarstan News], 1993, July 6 [in Russian].
  9. O tak nazyvaemykh sobiratel'nykh vidakh nakazanii v rossiiskom i zarubezhnom ugolovnom zakonodatel'stve [On the so-called collective forms of punishment Russian and foreign criminal law]. In: Ugolovno-pravovaya preventsiya v sfere oborota narkoticheskikh sredstv ili psikhotropnykh veshchestv, alkogol'noi i spirtosoderzhashchei produktsii
  10. (regional'nyi aspekt): sb. materialov Vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. (Cheboksary, aprelya 2015 g.) [Criminal legal prevention in the sphere of traffi cking of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, alcohol and alcohol-containing products (regional aspect): collection of materials of the all-Russian research and practical conference (Cheboksary, April 17, 2015). Cheboksary: Izd-vo Chuvash. un-ta, 2015, pp. 156–166. Available at: [in Russian].
  11. Tasakov S. V. Nravstvennye osnovy ugolovno-pravovykh norm, napravlennykh na okhranu lichnosti, ee prav, svobod i zakonnykh interesov: avtoref. dis. … d-ra yurid. nauk [Moral foundations of criminal law standards aimed at protecting the individual, his rights, freedoms
  12. and legitimate interests: author's abstract of Doctoral of Law thesis]. Ekaterinburg, Available at: [in Russian].
  13. Malkov V. P. Nezakonnoe predprinimatel'stvo v sfere vysshego i poslevuzovskogo professional'nogo obrazovaniya [Illegal entrepreneurship in the fi eld of higher and postgraduate professional education]. Zakonnost', 2006, no. 1, pp. 41–43. Available at: https://www.lawmix. ru/comm/689 [in Russian].
  14. Tasakov S. V. Formy nezakonnogo predprinimatel'stva v sfere vysshego i poslevuzovskogo professional'nogo obrazovaniya [Forms of the illegal entrepreneurship within the under- and postgraduate education]. Rossiiskaya yustitsiya [Russian Justitia], 2007, no. 7, pp. 48–50. Available at: [in Russian].

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Copyright (c) 2020 Tasakov S.V.

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