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The article presents modern ideas about adversarial criminal proceedings, preserving the historical continuity in determining its main features and attributes, with a gradual transformation and adjustment, including pre-trial proceedings. It is noted that according to professor S. A. Sheyfer, who did not deny the competitive elements of pre-trial proceedings, the preliminary investigation is not completely adversarial. It is proved that under the influence of new conditions there is a tendency to revise not only the essence of competition, but also the means of its implementation. The conclusion is made about not always correct understanding of adversarial proceedings in criminal proceedings, in a certain distortion of its content, contrary to established ideas. The author’s form of the mechanism of ensuring the rights at interrogation of the lawyer protecting, representing interests of participants in criminal proceedings, as the witness is formulated. It is proposed to introduce into the criminal procedure law the rules allowing to realize the adversarial nature in the pre-trial proceedings in terms of the transfer of a lawyer-defender or a lawyer-representative to the status of a witness.

About the authors

O. V. Gladysheva

Department of Criminal Process, Kuban State University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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