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The article analyzes the changes that have occurred in the criminal procedure legislation in 2018. This article is a logical continuation of a series of articles in which the author makes an annual analysis of the changes made in this branch of law in order to assess the effectiveness of the newly introduced criminal procedure regulation and its characteristics. The properties of hyperactive lawmaking are considered. It is stated that, despite the excessively large number of changes introduced into the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, it does not get better, and its repressiveness is increasing. It increases the number of flaws, which sometimes even causes some authors to talk about the adoption of a new Criminal Procedure Code. There is disagreement with this position and it is proposed that, if we do not introduce a moratorium on introducing amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure, then we will drastically reduce them. Changes to the Code of Criminal Procedure should not be made by a conjuncture hyperactive lawmaking, but by a thoughtful, fundamental, integrated approach with preliminary extensive discussion. As a model, it is proposed to consider the Criminal Procedure Code of France, where criminal procedure relations are described more fully and democratically.

About the authors

V. O. Belonosov

Department of Criminal Process and Criminalistics, Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Email: grigorjewa.katerina@yandex.ru
Russian Federation


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