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Currently, the employment of persons sentenced to deprivation of liberty and released from it is a problematic issue due to a number of different circumstances. Existing penal enforcement legislation does not provide for a range of measures directly related to promote the employment of convicts in the postpenitentiary period. Although the decision of social problems arising in convicts after their release, including the search for work, need to be addressed at the final stage of deprivation of liberty. In the scientific literature there are a number of proposals for solving the above problems, but their implementation is not supported by a specialized legal foundation that has a systemic and strategic character. In this context, it seems appropriate to adopt an appropriate targeted programme at the federal level. On the positive side, be pointed out the prerequisites for the development of public-private partnerships in the penal correctional system, as well as a certain potential for its development. It is necessary to borrow the positive experience from some foreign countries, taking into account the specificities of the Russian legislation. The practice of organizing job fairs and the implementation of various models of communication with potential employers are of particular interest.

About the authors

I. A. Smirnov

Faculty of training of research and educational personnel, The Academy of Law Management of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2019 Smirnov I.A.

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