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This article discusses issues related to the activities of committees under the board of directors (supervisory board) of joint stock companies whose shares are owned by the Russian Federation. A brief review of the corporate governance of six joint-stock companies with state participation is under way. The study is based on the analysis of the internal regulatory acts of the societies under consideration, current legislation, and Russian and foreign legal doctrine. The author comes to the conclusion that most often in joint stock companies with state participation, audit committees, strategy committees, as well as personnel and remuneration committees are created under the board of directors (supervisory board). The activities of the audit committee in the light of changes in shareholder legislation are analyzed in more detail. As a result of the research, author’s conclusions are formulated on the positive dynamics in the area of improving Russian corporate governance and on the development prospects of such management tools, the place of the committees of the board of directors in the hierarchy of business company’s bodies is indicated.

About the authors

D. D. Filyakina

Department of Civil Law, Kubаn State Agrarian University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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Supplementary files

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Copyright (c) 2019 Filyakina D.D.

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