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This article examines the relationship between the established criminal procedure form, which provides for writing the pre-trial proceedings as a permanent attribute to ensure the achievement of the purpose of criminal proceedings, and the observed global trends in the digitization of criminal proceedings. Constant «offensive» manifestations of scientific and technological progress, in most cases regarded as a positive phenomenon, acting for the good of society, in criminal proceedings enter into confrontation with the achievements of criminal procedural science. If earlier the writing of criminal proceedings allowed to ensure the procedural «purity» of materials used in the process of evidence in a criminal case, then at present digitalization of criminal procedure relations threatens the traditions of evidentiary law that have been forming for decades. The article raises the question of the need to form a different approach to the concept of the criminal procedure form.

About the authors

V. G. Stepanova

Department of Criminal Procedure, East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2019 Stepanova V.G.

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