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This article examines the history of struggle against begging in Russia, which in different periods was regulated by both criminal and administrative measures. The need for retrospective analysis is due to the fact that begging from the occupation characteristic of the poor and disadvantaged, turned into an illegal business, which attracted the attention of fraudsters and organized criminal groups. In addition, in modern Russian legislation there is no system of legal measures to counteract begging. The author’s periodization of domestic legislation aimed at combating begging is given. The author concludes that at each historical stage the implementation of legislative measures was complicated by the favorable attitude of citizens to begging and such objective factors as wars, crop failures, epidemics. The author believes that the historical period in which the balance between repressive and social measures was achieved is the end of the XIX century. In conclusion, the author comes to the conclusion that state measures to combat begging should be aimed at social security of people who really need help, and combating professional begging.

About the authors

A. K. Teokharov

Department of Criminology, Psychology and Pedagogy, Omsk Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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