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A considerable amount of scientific work is devoted to the various problems of entrepreneurship. However, in legal literature not enough attention is paid to the study of the values of entrepreneurial activity. The author in the article analyzes the various approaches to understanding of an entrepreneurial activity. As a result, the presence of the following values of entrepreneurship is justified: well-being and prosperity of state, civil peace and harmony, freedom of economic activity, independent and risky nature of business activity, responsibility of the entrepreneur for the results of business activities. A study of statutory and regulatory enactments allowed the author to separately distinguish constitutional and sectoral values of entrepreneurship. In addition, the author analyzed the directions of state policy in the field of entrepreneurship. The presence of economic and legal guarantees that can be recognized by means of means of ensuring the value of entrepreneurial activity is shown.

About the authors

N. N. Nadezhin

Krasnogorsk branch, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Author for correspondence.
Email: grigorjewa.katerina@yandex.ru
Russian Federation


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