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The article discusses the history of the origin and development of copyright in the Russian Federation and in foreign countries: the United States, Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Belgium. International legal acts in the field of copyright protection are analyzed. The author compares the periods of formation and development of the Institute of copyright in different countries, highlights the features inherent in each country in the field of copyright protection. The main provisions and principles of international conventions are studied in detail. In the study of the formation of the Institute of copyright in Russia, considered legal acts of the pre-revolutionary Russia since 1828, such as «Regulations on the rights of Writers» and other documents, including legal acts of the Soviet Union. Attention is paid to the current state of legislation on copyright protection in the Russian Federation. The problems of copyright protection on the Internet are also touched upon. This issue is relevant, because every year the number of violations of copyright and other rights holders on the Internet. On the basis of the study, the authors conclude that in order to fully protect the rights of creators of works, the Institute of copyright should be further reformed, guided by the norms of international law.

About the authors

E. M. Polyanskaya

Department of Criminal Law, Moscow Region State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: grigorjewa.katerina@yandex.ru
Russian Federation

V. D. Kadovbenko

Department of Secondary Professional Education, Voronezh Economical and Legal Institution

Email: grigorjewa.katerina@yandex.ru
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2018 Polyanskaya E.M., Kadovbenko V.D.

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