The article deals with the problems of ensuring the constitutionality of Russian criminal law through the action of the system-saving mechanism in law. The author analyzes the structural elements of this mechanism and their role in the process of its operation in criminal law on the example of some decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The author reveals the components of the system-saving mechanism: principles, goals and objectives of law, presumptions and fictions, prejudices, whites and conflict rules, legal provisions. All of them are based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, are derived from its provisions, therefore, when they are implemented, its universal action is ensured, constitutional ideas are put into social practice, and all other legal phenomena comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The article explains how the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation with the help of the system-saving mechanism are introduced into the legal practice, filled with a specific social content for specific branch needs. The processes of realization of the criminal legal norm about responsibility for the repeated trespassing of the established procedure for organizing or holding a meeting, rally, demonstration, procession or picketing in the context of the officially revealed constitutional meaning of the provisions of Art. 212.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.