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The article deals with the problems of legal regulation of various forms of parliamentary control, including «government hour», parliamentary investigation, parliamentary inquiry, reports of the Government to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The authors analyze the effectiveness of parliamentary control in the Russian Federation, suggesting its increase through the mechanism of responsibility of officials of the Government of the Russian Federation. Proposals aimed at further improving the institution of parliamentary investigation were made. The position concerning problems of implementation of the Institute of expression of no confidence by the State Duma to the Government of the Russian Federation from the point of view of constitutional law implications of this decision is considered. In this regard, the authors believe that in case of expressing distrust to the Government of the Russian Federation further decision on the dissolution of the State Duma or the resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation should be attributed to the jurisdiction of the judicial body.

About the authors

L. A. Nudnenko

Department of Legal Support of State and Municipal Service, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

L. A. Tkhabisimova

Pyatigorsk State University

Russian Federation


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