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The target of the article is to search the distinctive signs between adhesion contract and its analogs in the substantive aspect – taking into account the methods of its conclusion. The article consistently explores the main traditional methods of contract conclusion – the only document signed by parties, the reciprocation, offer’s accept by concluding actions, with regards to mentioned concepts, and “roles” (an offerer and an acceptor) of strong and adhesive parties. Attention is also paid to contract concluding methods which are not directly fit with legal limits, but are being used in business relationships, and to contract concluding at a tender. The article describes the recent change in law about adhesion contract and the influence of this change to raise of number of adhesion contracts concluded at tenders. As a result of each contract concluding method analysis, the author resumes, that the differences between adhesion contract and its analogs are not being exhibited.

About the authors

I. A. Makeenkov

Department of Civil and Business Law, Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2018 Makeenkov I.A.

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