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In the article the problem of civil responsibility of self-regulatory organizations in the construction sphere in the context of relevant improvement of standard and legal regulation and innovations of the Russian legislation is analyzed. With the use of descriptive, comparative and legal, technical legal methods of a research, content analysis of juridical documentation the author carries out the analysis of existing norms concerning joint and subsidiary liability of self-regulatory construction organizations according to obligations of its members. The most problematic issues of legal regulation of activity of self-regulatory organizations in the fi eld of construction on ensuring responsibility of the members to the third parties are revealed. The analysis of legal practice in the fi eld of formation of indemnifi cation funds and ensuring civil (property) responsibility of self-regulatory organizations in the sphere of construction according to obligations of its members is also carried out. On the basis of systematization and the final analysis of a problem of the research the author makes a conclusion about need of further continuous monitoring and the detailed analysis of realization of standards of civil responsibility of self-regulatory organizations in the sphere of construction in practice as basis for assessment of effi ciency of the carried-out legislative innovations and improvement of the process of standard and legal regulation in the explored sphere.

About the authors

N. A. Seraya

Department of Civil Law, Kuban State Agrarian University

Author for correspondence.
Email: grigorjewa.katerina@yandex.ru
Russian Federation


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Supplementary files

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Copyright (c) 2018 Seraya N.A.

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