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The article analyzes the legal nature of concession agreements, the specificity of social orientation of objects transferred under such agreements. The problems of realization of rights of the concessionaire are caused by the legal regime of the real estate object, in particular, the transferred land plot, the sequence of allowing procedures on the part of the concedent, a number of accompanied contracts, terms and other conditions of the concession agreement. Attention is drawn to the forms of concession agreements approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, which emphasize the public component of this contractual structure and, in practice, the impossibility of making changes to their terms. The author considers the definitions of reconstruction, reorganization and re-planning of non-residential premise and non-residential building in connection with transfer of the last under the concession agreement. The conclusion is made that there is no common terminology in various sectors of economy and law, that leads to problems of execution of an obligation under the concession agreement. The problems of labor rights of citizens in the transfer of property complexes under the concession agreement are touched upon.

About the authors

T. B. Zamotaeva

Department of Civil Law and Civil Process, Samara State Oblast Academy (Nayanova)

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2018 Zamotaeva T.B.

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