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The most important civil-law principle is the compensation of damages in full (Art. 15 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). In this regard, the question of the need to take into account or not to take into account wear and tear in determining the damage caused to the vehicle as a result of an accident remains relevant. Wear of the object is the result of wear-separation of the material from the surface of the solid and an increase in its residual deformation during friction, which manifests itself in a gradual change in the size or shape of the object. Wear parts, nodes leads to a decrease in the functionality of the object, reduces its consumer value. Not so long ago, in the legislation on compulsory insurance of civil liability appeared a new concept – repair, which involves its implementation without taking into account the wear and tear of parts and components of the car. In judicial practice, the issue has been resolved in different ways over the years. Within the framework of this article, the existing approaches and new trends in the aspect of resolving disputes on recovery of damage caused as a result of damage, as well as within the framework of disputes on CMTPL and CASCO will be considered.

About the authors

P. V. Sokol

Department of Civil and Business Law, Samara National Research University, Samara Regional Department of the Ministry of Justice of Russia

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2018 Sokol P.V.

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