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The article deals with the problem of correlation of business and income-generating activities of non- profit organizations. Causal causes of its occurrence are indicated. The concept, signs, criteria of referring an activity of non-profit organizations to entrepreneurial or income-generating activities are explored. The main approaches identified in the civil law doctrine on this problem are analyzed. Based on the analysis of normative legal acts, scientific literature, judicial practice, conclusions are drawn regarding the understanding of income-generating activities as a broader concept in relation to entrepreneurial activity. The ratio of these categories to the concepts of economic activity is established. Attention is drawn to the use by the legislator, when regulating these legal relations, of public legal means, as well as the appearance of such legal regulation means as conditionally permissible norms. The problem of the main and «non-core», «additional» goal of the activity of a non-profit organization is analyzed. Ways to solve the existing conflicts are suggested.

About the authors

T. V. Deryugina

Volgograd Institute for the Humanities

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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