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The article analyzes the concept and content of the right of prisoners sentenced to deprivation of liberty for the protection of health and health care, its legislative regulation, international recommendations, as well as the problems of securing this right, taking into account the resocialization ofprisoners in prisons.The author analyzed statistical data of the Management of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia; review of appeals of convicts, detainees and their relatives to  the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for 2017 on the issues under consideration; shortcomings of the criminal–executive legislation of the Russian Federation are revealed, concrete proposals are given for its improvement.In the author's opinion, the health of convicts affects their behavior and may be a reason for violating the regime's requirements. These circumstances must be taken into account in the process of execution of sentence in the form of deprivation of liberty. However, at present, UIC of the Russian Federation has not properly regulated the legal status of convicts who have a disease. The type of illness and other individual characteristics of convicts are not always taken into account by the legislator.

About the authors

E. I. Ugolkova

Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, All-Russian State University of Justice

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2018 Ugolkova E.I.

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