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Author analyzes different approaches to the «crime» and «criminality» phenomenon understanding and criminal policy during formation and development of the Russian criminal law. He proposes E. Toffler «wave theory» as a basis of comparative analysis. According to this theory there were three waves of civilization’s progress in the history of mankind, which were independent of society’s national and cultural characteristics or political structure and regime. There were agricultural, industrial and informational «Toffler’s waves». Within each wave’s framework all social links from family to state, law and economy foundations are transformed. During all periods of its history, Russia was inclined to the first wave, the Earth culture. According to it the will of the state bureaucracy became a law. We can see simultaneous affection of the second and the third wave onto political and law system in contemporary world. It predetermines both possibility of advancing Russian state-law system on the higher level of civilization development, also rises the destructive changes linked with «wave incompatibility» danger.

About the authors

R. A. Romashov

Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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