- Authors: Zaytsev O.A.1
- Department of Problems of Criminal Proceedings, Russian University of Justice
- Issue: Vol 3, No 4 (2017)
- Pages: 31-37
- Section: Personalia
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 6036
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The article presents some of the most significant scientific results of the creative activity of Professor Semen Abramovich Sheifer. The author made a generalized description of the work of well-known process scientists, developing his ideas on the problems of proof and evidence in the criminal process. Particular attention is paid to the current ideas about the possibility of establishing objective truth in a criminal case as a result of criminal procedural proof, the development of new approaches to the further development of the system of investigative actions. The analysis of the views of researchers on the resolution of problems arising in the criminal procedural activity of the investigator, as well as during pre-trial proceedings from the point of view of the formation and development of the investigative power and its relationship with the judicial and prosecutorial authorities was carried out. Some statements of scientists on the scientific creativity and personal qualities of Professor S.A. Sheifer are made. It is concluded that his scientific heritage will serve as a reliable support for the modern understanding of the doctrine of evidence in the science of the Russian criminal process and will contribute to the further development of the Russian theory of law.
About the authors
O. A. Zaytsev
Department of Problems of Criminal Proceedings, Russian University of Justice
Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation
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