- Authors: Derishev Y.V.1, Morozova O.S.1
- Department of Criminal Process and Criminalistics, Omsk Law Academy
- Issue: Vol 3, No 4 (2017)
- Pages: 25-30
- Section: Personalia
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 6035
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The article deals with the problems associated with the development of a general concept of optimization of the system of participants in pre-trial proceedings in the criminal process in Russia. On the basis of highlighting the basic features of the program for improving pre-trial production (the formation of trends in the evolution of the institution, the reorganization of its functional and legal structure, the creation of a regime of real procedural independence of the investigator, leveling the contradictions in the operation of individual principles, etc.), the authors propose general criteria and a mechanism for optimizing the subject composition of this phase of criminal legal proceedings. The prerequisites and directions for improving the legal status of key participants are determined, and solutions of certain legislative and law enforcement problems are
proposed. A special analysis is devoted to the contribution of Professor Sheifer Semyon Abramovich to the solution of problems related to the optimization of the institutions of criminal pre-trial production, the influence of his writings on the formation of the scientific views of the modern scientific school of domestic processivism.
About the authors
Y. V. Derishev
Department of Criminal Process and Criminalistics, Omsk Law Academy
Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation
O. S. Morozova
Department of Criminal Process and Criminalistics, Omsk Law Academy
Russian Federation
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