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In the article at the doctrinal level the current state of the criminal legislation in the field of protection of relations of property is analyzed. Crisis of the ideas of criminal law in appropriate criminal legal protection of the relations of property is shown. The reasons, signs and the main regularities of transformation of criminal legal protection of the relations of property at the present stage of development of information society and multistructure economy are established. It is noted that the science of criminal law can’t resolve now a fundamental problem of adequate criminal legal protection of the relations of property therefore it isn’t possible to formulate effective model of protection of real and obligations legal relationship in new economic conditions. The criminal legislation in a question of designing of responsibility for crimes in the sphere of economy can’t be considered firm and settled. The existing rules based on former postulates aren’t capable to give a further impetus for development of basic provisions of the concept of modernization of criminal liability for crimes in the sphere of economy. For the first time in the doctrine of criminal law the theoretical model of crimes against a turn of objects of the civil rights is offered.

About the authors

Vadim Vladimirovich Hilyuta

Department of Criminal Law, Process and Criminalistics, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Author for correspondence.


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