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In the article the methodical toolkit of management of competitiveness of the industrial enterprises, based on the modular approach to an estimation of competitiveness is resulted.

About the authors

V. A. Vasyaychevа

Department of Human Resources Management, Business Informatics, Samara National Research University, 34, Moskovskoyeshosse, Samara, 443086, Russian Federation.

Author for correspondence.

G. A. Sakhabiyeva

Department of Mathematics and Business Informatics, Samara National Research University, 34, Moskovskoyeshosse, Samara, 443086, Russian Federation.



  1. Vasyaycheva V.A. Problemyi perspektivy integratsii promyshlennogo kompleksa Samarskoy oblasti [Problems and prospects of integration of the industrial complex of the Samara region]. In: Innovatsionnyye protsessy v formirovanii integrirovannykh struktur regional'nykh promyshlennykh kompleksov Povolzh'ya: sb. materialov Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konf. [Innovative processes in the formation of integrated structures of regional industrial complexes of the Volga region: coll. materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conf.]. Ed. by N.M. Tyukavkin. Samara: ANO «Publishing House of the Scientific and Technical Center», 2017, pp. 38–45.]
  2. Sakhabiyeva G.A. Upravleniye investitsionnoy deyatel'nost'yu predpriyatiya [Management of investment activity of the enterpris]. In: Upravlencheskiy uchet [Management accounting], 2017, no. 2, pp. 98–106.
  3. Sakhabiyeva G.A. Analiz printsipov formirovaniya ustoychivogo razvitiya otechestvennykh predpriyatiy [Analysis of the principles of the formation of sustainable development of domestic enterprises]. In: Problemy effektivnogo ispol'zovaniya nauchnogo potentsiala obshchestva: sb. st. Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konf. [Problems of effective use of the scientific potential of society: Sat. Art. International scientific and practical conference]. Ufa: MTSII OMEGA SAYNS, 2017, pp. 102–105.
  4. Sakhabiyeva G.A. Sokrashcheniye riskov v upravlenii predpriyatiyem [Reducing risks in enterprise management]. In: Nauka, obrazovaniye i innovatsii: sb. st. Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konf. [Science, education and innovation: Sat. Art. International scientific and practical conference], 2016, pp. 190–193.
  5. Vasyaycheva V.A., Sakhabiyeva G.A., Sakhabiyev V.A. O konkurentosposobnosti promyshlennogo kompleksa Samarskoy oblasti [On the Competitiveness of the Industrial Complex of the Samara Region]. In: Nauka, obrazovaniye i innovatsii: sb. st. Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konf. [Science, Education and Innovation: Sat. Art. International scientific and practical conference], 2016, pp. 193–196.
  6. Vasyaycheva V.A. Teoretiko-metodicheskiye voprosy upravleniya konkurentosposobnost'yu promyshlennykh predpriyatiy [Teoretiko-methodical questions of management of competitiveness of the industrial enterprises]: monografiya. Samara: Samarskiy universitet [Samara University], 2016. 160 p.
  7. Vasyaycheva V.A. Povysheniye urovnya konkurentosposobnosti predpriyatiy transportnogo mashinostroyeniya na osnove upravleniya innovatsionnymi proyektami [Increase of competitiveness level of transport engineering enterprises on the basis of innovation projects management]: monografiya. Samara: Samar. gumanit. akad. [Samara Humanitarian Academy], 2017.177 p.
  8. Vasyaycheva V.A. Osnovnyye determinanty upravleniya konkurentosposobnost'yu [The main determinants of competitiveness management]. In: Matematicheskiye modeli sovremennykh ekonomicheskikh protsessov, metody analiza i sinteza ekonomicheskikh mekhanizmov. Aktual'nyye problemy i perspektivy menedzhmenta organizatsiy v Rossii: sb. st. XI Vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. [Mathematical models of modern economic processes, methods of analysis and synthesis of economic mechanisms. Actual problems and perspectives of management of organizations in Russia: Sat. Art. XI All-Russia. scientific-practical. Conf.]. Ed. by D.A. Novikov. Samara: Izd-vo SNTS RAN, 2017. Issue. 11, pp. 199–206.
  9. Vasyaycheva V.A. Prognozirovaniye urovnya konkurentosposobnosti promyshlennogo predpriyatiya [Forecasting the level of competitiveness of an industrial enterprise]. In: Upravlencheskiyuchet [Management Accounting], 2017, no. 1, pp. 11–18.
  10. Vasyaycheva V.A. Programma i dorozhnaya karta integratsii kak instrument innovatsionnogo razvitiya promyshlennogo kompleksa Samarskoy oblasti [Program and integration road map as a tool for innovative development of the industrial complex of the Samara region].In: Upravlencheskiy uchet [Management Accounting], 2017, no. 8, pp. 82–89.

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