Vol 14, No 1 (2024)

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Systems and ontological analyses: similarities and differences be-tween the concepts

Borgest N.M.


Terms, concepts and their content are not only the foundations of public communications, the keys to mutual understanding, knowledge transfer and cognition, but also fundamental elements in the construction of computer ontologies for artificial intelligence systems. The evolution of knowledge in subject areas leads, as a consequence, to the evolution of language, which is forced to change, borrowing words from other areas, expanding their meanings. The concept of systems analysis has a broad interpretation and is actively used in various fields of activity (science, economics, design, engineering, etc.), going deeper and adapting to specific subject and subject areas. The concepts related to system analysis (system, subject area, problem area, etc.) are also evolving. Systems analysis focuses on the relationships between elements of a system and determining its structure and functions; it includes various modeling and optimization methods and is used to solve specific problems and problems. Ontological analysis is associated with the study and description of objects, events, processes and relationships in the subject area, of which the system (or systems) may be a part; describes the structure and properties of the elements that make up the system and the relationships between them; used to create a formal description of a system and provide a general understanding of its components. The result of ontological analysis can be the basis for systems analysis or a part of it. Systems and ontological analyses are aimed at understand complex systems and their components and can be used together. The difference between these concepts is largely determined by the content of the field of study concepts, its boundaries, the object of research as a process, goal setting, the traditions and context that have developed among researchers in specific subject areas. Within the framework of the accepted nomenclature of scientific specialties of the Higher Attestation Commission, it can be argued that ontological analysis is included in the scientific specialty “Systems analysis, control and information processing, statistics.”

Ontology of Designing. 2024;14(1):9-28
pages 9-28 views


Ontology for designing situational digital twins of industrial-natural complexes for modeling their structural safety

Fridman A.Y.


The article proposes an ontology of designing specialized digital twins of spatially distributed components of industrial-natural complexes (INC) based on the theory and intellectualized situational modeling system previously developed by the author. The ontology makes it possible to study the interaction of non-stationary INCs in normal operating modes and in the event of abnormal or emergency situations. The distinguishing feature of the accomplished development lies in the possibility of the preventive security analytics for the INC integration into existing infrastructures and provides a quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of proposed measures to prevent failures of INC components, including early detection of dependent (complex, cascading) failures. In order to increase the flexibility of modeling newly created INCs, the concept of structural security is presented, which generalizes ways to take into account various known aspects of security. The relevance of this task is determined by the growth in the number and power supply of INCs in the modern world, the complication of their interactions and the corresponding increase in the possibility of the most dangerous dependent failures, as well as the growth in the volume of data available for analysis as a result of the rapid development of the Internet of Things. The novelty of the proposed approach lies in the comprehensive application of expert knowledge at all stages of modeling in a cause-and-effect paradigm in order to synthesize preferred options for implementing INC structures.

Ontology of Designing. 2024;14(1):29-41
pages 29-41 views

Designing an intelligent territorial safety management system

Nicheporchuk V.V., Postnikova U.S., Taseiko O.V.


The conceptual stage of designing an intelligent territorial safety management system is presented. The article shows the problems of information support for management associated with the need to process a large volume of unformalized data and their low reliability. Existing descriptions of objects and processes are not constructive. The approval and decision-making processes are poorly algorithmized and there are no feedback mechanisms reflecting the quality of decisions. As an alternative, the article proposes the use of intelligent technologies that change the mechanisms for collecting, processing and using data. An ontological description of a multi-level management model is presented that formalizes the main tasks of ensuring the natural and technogenic security of territories. Management levels and objects are highlighted, and their information support is shown. The model is based on assessments of territorial risks, representing a combination of comprehensive monitoring indicators. The novelty of the approach lies in the possibility of justifying the types and volumes of activities with the magnitude of risks, as well as linking management results with the necessary resources. The model is the basis of the intelligent system project. Using object-oriented programming methods, the transition from ontological description to structural and functional designing is shown. Representation of ontology elements in the form of sets allows the construction of multidimensional analytical models that reveal ways to solve management problems in specific conditions. This makes it possible to justify the composition of information and the requirements for its quality for each level of the territorial management hierarchy. Problem solving examples of ensuring territorial safety in accordance with the proposed classification are given. The model can be used as a scientific basis for management digitalization programs implemented in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Ontology of Designing. 2024;14(1):42-54
pages 42-54 views

Designing an information system for integrated topic analysis of social media big data

Fedorov A.M., Datyev I.O., Vishnyakov I.G.


Open communities of users in social media are a source of data that quickly presents the thematic agenda of issues relevant to the population. The indicators of user activity are views, likes, comments and reposts, and they are of a dynamic nature. The article presents a new vision at the topic modeling problems, the results of which are examined for dynamic properties. These data are relevant to solve problems of information support for regional and municipal development. The authors reveal their experience in designing an information system for integrated topic analysis of large open social media data. The system is based on three technologies: building dynamic topic models for monitoring social media, intelligent analysis of topic modeling results; and cognitive visualization of dynamic topic modeling results. To take into account design uncertainty, object modeling tools, system design and a modular approach were used.

Ontology of Designing. 2024;14(1):55-70
pages 55-70 views

Modeling the workspace of a three-link planar manipulator

Sheveleva T.A., Lyashkov A.A.


A study of the working space of a three-link planar manipulator was carried out. The basis is taken from analytical dependencies that allow solving the direct problem of kinematics, i.e. determine the coordinates of the gripper center point using three generalized coordinates of the manipulator. The analysis performed made it possible to give a geometric interpretation of the dependencies. It has been established that the workspace of the manipulator is a three-parameter set of points. On a plane, this set of points is represented in the form of two disks consisting of ring cells, for which the corresponding analytical dependencies are obtained. The geometric image of this set is a three-dimensional torus. The resulting models are visualized, which facilitates the solution of this problem. To determine the values of the generalized coordinates of the gripper center points, a mapping was carried out by orthogonal projection of the families of circles obtained in the work into four-dimensional space. As a result, three-dimensional hypersurfaces in four-dimensional space were obtained. It is proposed to study them by constructing hypersurface sections models by hyperplanes. Such models in visualization mode allow solving direct and inverse kinematics problems of the manipulator under study.

Ontology of Designing. 2024;14(1):71-81
pages 71-81 views


Applying machine learning methods to identify argumentative connections in scientific communication texts

Salomatina N.V., Sidorova E.A., Pimenov I.S.


The paper presents the results of experiments to assess the machine learning methods applicability for solving the problem of identifying argumentative connections in scientific communication texts. Argumentative connection is understood as a relationship that connects the premise and the conclusion of a typical reasoning or an argument used by the author to persuade the readers. To assess the quality, the characteristics of accuracy, completeness and F-measure were used obtained when solving the problem of recognizing argumentative connections between adjacent text fragments of two types: sentences and clauses. The basis of the experiment was a Russian-language corpus of texts from the field of scientific communication with arguments marked up by linguistic experts. For markup, the ArgNetBank Studio tool was used, which allows creating collections of texts with detailed argumentation markup. Data sets for machine learning were built on the basis of labeled texts, in which the ratio of pairs of text fragments (sentences or clauses) connected and non-connected by argumentative relationships was 1 to 3. To improve the quality of model training, the sets were balanced in two ways. In the first case, a balance was achieved due to the fact that an equal number of pairs of both types were selected from each text; in the second, pairs were duplicated. Using the obtained data sets, experiments were carried out on linking text fragments using different types of machine learning methods. The range of changes in quality assessments when recognizing related fragments depending on their share in the training and test collections was experimentally determined. It has been established that, within the framework of the existing imbalance in real collections, the values of quality assessments can vary within 40–50%. The novelty of the work lies in the study of the range of possible discrepancies in quality assessments when applying different machine learning methods on balanced and unbalanced training and test collections in Russian-language material.

Ontology of Designing. 2024;14(1):82-93
pages 82-93 views

Building a knowledge base for autonomous control of unmanned vehicles

Romanov A.A., Rubtsov I.A., Svyatov K.V., Filippov A.A.


This article presents an approach to building and using a knowledge base for autonomous control of unmanned vehicles (UV). Agriculture is presented as a subject area which features and limitations must be considered. The lack of a sufficient number and level of qualifications of machine operator leads to equipment downtime, a decrease in crop yields and the efficiency of using chemical fertilizers. The use of UV makes it possible to reduce the influence of these factors and the harmful effects on people working in agriculture. The article focuses on taking into account the features and limitations of the subject area when constructing the trajectory of unmanned vehicles and controlling processing facilities. An approach is proposed that consists of separate stages of designing a knowledge base schema, automating the process of filling the knowledge base and organizing the logical inference function. For each stage, developed models and algorithms are presented that help to form and use a knowledge base when solving the problem of autonomous control of unmanned vehicles. The article contains examples and illustrations designed to increase the clarity of the proposed approach.

Ontology of Designing. 2024;14(1):94-106
pages 94-106 views


Ensuring the relevance of enterprise business process knowledge based on an ontological model

Antonov V.V., Konev K.A., Palchevsky E.V., Rodionova L.E., Baimurzina L.I.


The problem of ensuring the relevance of knowledge about the business process of an enterprise based on its ontological model is considered. The obsolescence of enterprise business process models leads to the need to redesign solutions for their automation. Approaches to solving the problem of maintaining the relevance of the business process model are presented. The regulatory basis of the business process of an enterprise was examined for its similarity to models developed to solve automation problems, and a conclusion was made that they have a common basis. This makes it possible to consider the regulatory basis as a metamodel and store data using linguistic variables. Ontological models built according to the IDEF5 standard for the most common regulatory documents of a business process are considered. It was been revealed that one of the most important elements of managing an industrial enterprise and its business processes is maintaining the relevance of all components, including the situational ontological model. A methodology is proposed for integrating an ontological model into the process of updating enterprise regulatory documents, preserving knowledge about the business process and retrieving it to generate changes to regulatory documents and models used to automate business processes. An example of using the technique for planning equipment repairs carried out outside the main work plan is considered.

Ontology of Designing. 2024;14(1):107-118
pages 107-118 views

Logical ontological modeling of cargo port risk management

Bondareva I.O.


Enterprises in any field, including those in the transport and logistics sector, are faced with the need to gain a competitive advantage through the use of innovative management methods. These include the integrated use of methods for managing organizational systems along with the use of advanced tools and technologies. Particular attention is paid to risk management in order to prevent undesirable situations. This paper is the first to present a description of a logical ontological model for the integrated application of multi-level goal setting based on a balanced scorecard (BSC) and logical probabilistic (LP) modeling to support decision-making on cargo port risk management. Situations of failure to achieve the goals of the cargo port, including failure to achieve standard values of indicators, are considered as risks. The integrated use of BSC and LP modeling technologies made it possible to build a general concept of multi-level goal setting. Its main advantage lies in the detailed elaboration of the company’s goals, which are subordinated to the main strategic goal. This makes it possible to influence operational events and obtain positive results in tactical and strategic plans. The ontological model contains all the information about the components interaction that influence the risk events and makes it possible to select options for exiting a risk situation in accordance with specified conditions. The results of queries to a risk-oriented ontological model are options for management decisions aimed at reducing risks in the operation of a cargo port.

Ontology of Designing. 2024;14(1):119-133
pages 119-133 views

An approach to assessing the technical condition of electrical equipment using weighted fuzzy rules

Kolodenkova A.E., Vereshchagina S.S., Favorskaya E.A., Osipova E.A.


To ensure the smooth operation of all existing electric power systems, it is necessary to periodically diagnose electrical equipment using various methods and models that take into account all possible parameters and factors affecting the condition. The paper considers an approach to assessing the technical condition of electrical equipment using weighted fuzzy rules, taking into account different types of information (measuring, expert). The novelty of the approach is the representation of parameters in the form of fuzzy triangular numbers and the formation of importance weight vectors of term sets parameter values. This makes it possible to accurately assess the technical condition of electrical equipment in the context of different types of information to predict the condition of the equipment; to quickly identify parameters which values are outside acceptable limits, thereby determining the preliminary cause of equipment failure, as well as making informed diagnostic decisions regarding the condition of electrical equipment.

Ontology of Designing. 2024;14(1):134-144
pages 134-144 views


Round table «What will the next generation of AI be like?»

Ontology of Designing. 2024;14(1):146-156
pages 146-156 views

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