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The article discusses the urgent problems of preparing convicts for release from serving their sentences. It is proved that effective work aimed at preparing for release, as well as providing assistance in labor and domestic services to persons being released, are the main link in the prevention of recidivism. The Regulation on the group of social protection of convicts of the correctional institution of the penal system, the Instructions on the provision of assistance in labor and domestic services, as well as assistance to convicts released from serving sentences in correctional institutions of the penal system are analyzed. The problems of normative regulation of the preparation of convicts for release were identifi ed and ways to solve them were proposed. The main directions of the work of the group of social protection of convicts in correctional institutions are analyzed. Factors hindering their effective activities, including the lack of legislative regulation of social work in places of deprivation of liberty, have been identified. A mechanism is proposed for improving social measures to support convicts released from correctional institutions. The conclusion is drawn on the need for legal regulation of the work of the School for the Preparation of Convicts for Release, their educational programs; requirements for the composition of specialists. The author's recommendations on improving the effectiveness of the School for the Training of Convicts for Release in order to their socialization and social protection are given.

About the authors

O. A. Adoyevskaya

Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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