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The article analyzes and evaluates the results of professor S. A. Sheyfer’s scientific research, that relate to the formation of the concept of cognitive orientation of investigative actions. The author believes: S. A. Sheyfer’s fundamental work was allowed to form the correct notion of investigative actions, which are means of establishing circumstances relevant to the criminal case, and to distinguish them from other procedural actions that are in the arsenal of modern preliminary investigation bodies. The author remains generally a follower of S. A. Sheyfer. But at the same time he draws attention to the debatability of some of the positions expressed by him, gives them an assessment and offers his own options for solving existing problems.

About the authors

S. B. Rossinskiy

Department of Criminal Procedure, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)

Author for correspondence.
Email: grigorjewa.katerina@yandex.ru
Russian Federation


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