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The article presents a comprehensive study of effectiveness of anti-corruption activities in the penal system as a means of blocking the channels of delivery to correctional institutions, as well as the detention centers of prohibited items. This topic is of some relevance, and also has a sign of scientific novelty due to the lack of detailed development in the scientific literature. Corruption as a negative social phenomenon affects all spheres of society, including the penal system. One of the manifestations of corruption crime in the penitentiary system is the delivery of prohibited items and things to the regime territory by the staff of the correctional institution or the remand prison and their transfer to the convicted, suspects, accused. This direction of corruption crime has a very negative impact on the operational situation in the correctional institution, the detention center and therefore requires the adoption of serious preventive measures. On the basis of the research carried out a number of organizational and legal measures aimed at the suppression of corruption acts on the part of the staff of the penal system associated with the delivery of prohibited items and things on the territory of correctional institutions, as well as detention centers.

About the authors

D. V. Gorban

Department of Organization of Regime and Supervision in the Penal System, Academy of Law Management of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

Author for correspondence.
Email: grigorjewa.katerina@yandex.ru
Russian Federation

O. S. Efremova

Department of Organization of Interuniversity and Educational-Methodical Work, Academy of Law Management of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

Email: grigorjewa.katerina@yandex.ru
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2019 Gorban D.V., Efremova O.S.

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