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Rendering postpenitentiary help to the persons who have served sentence in the form of imprisonment is the important direction in prevention of recurrent crime. The person after release from correctional facilities often faces a complex of problems of various character inducing to follow again a criminal way. Without the corresponding work on assistance of this category of persons it will be impossible to reduce the number of repeated crimes, and for obtaining qualitative result the organization of rendering such help has to have system character. In the article the author offers system approach to the organization of the postpenitentiary help by means of application of a method of functional system. Such work has to be based on the basis of the analysis of the events held in the certain territorial subjects of the Russian Federation directed to social adaptation of convicts, positive regional experience on decrease in recurrent crime. The author draws a conclusion about the need of improvement of legal regulation in this direction not only in the regions, but also at the federal level.

About the authors

R. R. Khasnutdinov

Department of State and Legal Disciplines, Samara Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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