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The article is devoted to the problems of execution of criminal punishment in the form of imprisonment. The article analyzes the correctional doctrine of the Russian state, manifested in the formulation and implementation of the purpose of convicts’ reformation, and its impact on the status of an induvidual exonerated from serving their sentences. On the basis of international standards and national legislation, priority is given to this purpose over other purposes of punishment and penal enforcement legislation. Some elements of the mechanism for achieving the purpose of correction of convicts are considered, as well as various options for recording repetition of crime after serving imprisonment are considered too. A proposal to reconstruct the existing system of statistical accounting of post-penitential repetition of crime in the USSR is made here, its main stages also are named. The conclusion is made about the preservation of socio-political importance of the purpose of correction of convicts at the present stage of development of state and the preservation of its legislative consolidation in the criminal and penal law of Russia.

About the authors

V. I. Seliverstov

Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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