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In this article, the problem of the relationship between the concepts of object and the subject of criminal encroachment in criminal law and criminalistics is examined. The work has an interdisciplinary character and is of interest from the standpoint of the development of integration processes between the sciences of the criminal law cycle. The author comes to the conclusion that the abstract character of the object of crime as an element of the criminallegal structure does not satisfy the needs of criminology. Do not reflect the system of traces containing significant information about the crime and its elements. In the article it is suggested from the point of view of criminalistics to consider an object as an element of the structure of a crime in the form of a material aggregate or systemic formation directly affected, one or several constituent parts of them can determine the purpose of a criminal act. The author focused on such objects of the material structure of the crime as a person, property, computer and other electronic systems, money and securities, vehicles, enterprises, institutions, firms, state bodies. Particular attention in the work the author focuses on the relationship between the object and the subject of encroachment, which in some cases can be correlated as general and particular. The author from the point of view of criminalistics gives a generalized description of the subject of encroachment, which he considers a material element of the criminal act, which determines the target orientation in the activity of the subject of encroachments.

About the authors

A. M. Khlus

Department of Criminalistics, Belarusian State University

Author for correspondence.


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