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Professor S.A. Sheifer managed to develop a brilliant theory of gathering evidence in the criminal process, to identify the technology of collecting evidence, to present in detail the cognitive structure of the main among them – the investigative action. All creative heritage of Sheifer, in fact, is about how to find out the circumstances of the committed crime qualitatively, that is, what was formerly called the establishment of truth. And the modern process is imprisoned not for establishing the truth, but for punishing the suspects and accused, in most cases – without clarifying the actual circumstances. By inertia, theoretical battles continue to collect evidence. But this is not really necessary for the modern process. This is the paradox of modern justice. In this I see the tragedy of Sheifer’s creativity, the breakdown of his creative heritage, which in the conditions of «business justice» loses relevance. But I strongly believe that there will come a period when the ideas of Sheifer and the demands of Russian civil society in the sphere of combating crime will again be consonant. Then his ideas, laid on the basis of electronic technologies, will again be in demand in all their brilliancy and enduring intellectual magnificence.

About the authors

V. N. Grigoryev

Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service

Author for correspondence.
Email: grigorjewa.katerina@yandex.ru
Russian Federation


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