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In the article the problems of realization of the right to remuneration for work for hire, the type and subjective composition of relationship, where the right is realizing are analyzed, different points of view on the issue of the amount, conditions and ways of paying the remuneration are described. The article deals with the issue of the allowability to include the author’s remuneration to his wage or the neсessity to pay in excess of the wage with extra payment. The proposals of establishing a fixed remuneration are established. The study of the matter of minimal remuneration for the employment work in comparison with the remuneration for the employment inventions is carried out. The author pays attention to the issue of establishing of the right to remuneration, to the compliance of the author’s right for remuneration when this relationship is established, and also to the allowability to realize this right by the heirs of the author of the work for hire.

About the authors

V. V. Ryazanovа

Department of Civil and Business Law, Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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