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In this article author considers about the interrelation and mutual influence of the source and form of the offense, as well as the source of legal liability and the forms of its realization on the basis of willed concept of law-making`s methodology. The classifications of types of offense`s source and form, the source of origin and realization of legal liability, the form of realization of legal liability, as well as the subforms (organizational and normative) of the liability’s procedural form are created. An attempt of systematic and synthetic approach to studying the source and form of the offense and the source and form of realization of legal liability is made. The author proposes to introduce these categories into the scientific circulation and consider them in the doctrine of offense and legal liability.

About the authors

M. Yu. Spirin

Department of Theory and History of State and Law and International Law, Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Email: grigorjewa.katerina@yandex.ru
Russian Federation


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