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The article deals with the detailed analysis of security measure, used within preliminary
investigation relation to a witness – the presentation for personal identification in conditions of
witness invisibility for lineup, according to article 193 part 8 of Russian Criminal Procedure Code
(CPC of RF). The author points out the common statements connected with the presentation for identification such as purpose, aims, evidential value; compares the rules of identification procedure in ordinary mode and in conditions of witness invisibility for lineup. The results of
following research are based on statistical data, scientific summaries, legal positions of high
courts and materials of investigative activity. The author reveals multiple problems (processional,
technical and tactical) of personal identification in conditions of witness invisibility for lineup
which impede effective witness protection. The findings of represented research are anchored
on leading scientists’ opinions and investigators’ experience as soon as modern achievements of
criminal process. In conclusion the author suggests the optimal solutions of indicated problems,
the means to replenish some omissions in the legislation, the ways to improve efficacy of the
security measures system in common.

About the authors

E. I. Svechnikova

Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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Supplementary files

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Copyright (c) 2017 Svechnikova E.I.

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