
Methodology of designing a space transport system including a “DM” chemical upper stage and an electric rocket transport module
Russkikh A.S., Salmin V.V.
Deployment and stabilization of the motion of a space tethered system in a lunar orbit
Ledkova T.A., Zabolotnov Y.M.
Choice of mission trajectory plans and conceptual design of electrical propulsion module for launching payloads into circumterrestrial orbits
Salmin V.V., Kvetkin A.A., Russkikh A.S.
Solving the problem of stabilizing program deployment of an orbital tether system taking into account limitations on the rotary motion of the tip body
1 1., 1 1.
Analysis of motion stability of a deployed space tether system with an atmospheric probe
Zhe D., Zabolotnov Y.M., Changqing W.
History of small space vehicle progress and development at Plesetsk cosmodrome. Current problems of further development
Korotkov V.V., Vinogradov A.V.
Integrated assessment of the efficiency of an orbital inspection space system based on small satellites
Tkachenko I.S., Kaurov I.V.
The influence of tether jamming on the motion of a space tether system during dynamic deployment
Ledkov A.S., Dyukov D.I.
Influence of space vehicle remote power supply on thermal regimes of solar batteries
Steganov G.B., Beznyakov A.M., Nemirov A.V.
1 - 9 of 9 Items

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