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Author Guidelines

By publication in the journal "Journal of Young Scientists and Samara University specialists" allowed the original results of research conducted by students and young professionals (under 35), studying and working in the Samara University and other universities of Samara and other areas of importance to Samara the field of scientific issues.

Manuscripts are submitted in two formats: electronic version and hard copy, printed on one side of an A4 sheet, presented at: 443011, Samara, ul. Academician Pavlov, 1, office. 311 c / b, Korchikovu Evgeny Sergeyevich (Executive Editor), or 443086, Samara, Moscow highway, 34, 316 kab, 3a housing the office of the Samara University in cell research support department number 127. The electronic version must fully comply with the printing, and it must be sent to:

K article shall be applied review of the article Dr. or PhD a third party or of the Department, competent in the field of science, certified by the personnel department or the dean, a questionnaire completed and signed by the author (s) of article, as well as an expert opinion on the possibility of open publication of the article for the design of which the authors of the Samara University recommended to pass on the link.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with each of the following items, and submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines may be returned to the authors.

  • The article should contain the following elements: Russian and English title, name, surname, patronymic of the authors, indicating the place of work and e-mail addresses of each of them, a brief summary before the main text, keywords; in Russian and English languages, the main text, which is recommended to be divided into sub-sections in order to facilitate reading of the work, concluding with a brief description of the results.

  • Volume of articles is recommended not to exceed 10 pages of the typewritten text (12 pt, font Times New Roman, line spacing, alignment on the width of the page, allow hyphenation, indention 1 cm, margins 2 cm on all sides to allow hyphenation and hanging strings) . Cuts should always be transcribed in the text.

  • The text of the inclusion of figures or tables are allowed.

  • The list of references in order of citation, is located at the end of the article and must be done in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008.

  • In this magazine transtextual adopted system of references to the placement of the source numbers in square brackets, eg, [2].

    Links to foreign sources are necessarily in their original language with all necessary output data for the Russian-speaking literature source.

    Links to grants and other funding sources of research are placed in the end of the article under "Acknowledgements".

  • The magazine stated date of receipt of the work to the editor. In the case of substantial processing the article also indicates the date of receipt of the final text. Please edition of the processing of the manuscript does not mean that the article is accepted for publication; after processing the article examines the Editorial Board as a new submission.

  • Consent for the processing of the author's personal data. The authors are familiar with the consent for the processing of the author's personal data

  • Consent for processing the author's personal data for distribution. The authors are familiar with the consent for processing the author's personal data for distribution


Copyright Notice

Авторы, публикующие статью в данном журнале, соглашаются со следующим:

  1. Авторы сохраняют за собой авторские права на работу и предоставляют журналу право первой публикации работы на условиях лицензии Creative Commons Attribution License, которая позволяет другим распространять данную работу с обязательным сохранением ссылок на авторов оригинальной работы и оригинальную публикацию в этом журнале.
  2. Авторы сохраняют право заключать отдельные контрактные договорённости, касающиеся не-эксклюзивного распространения версии работы в опубликованном здесь виде (например, размещение ее в институтском хранилище, публикацию в книге), со ссылкой на ее оригинальную публикацию в этом журнале.
  3. Авторы имеют право размещать их работу в сети Интернет (например в институтском хранилище или персональном сайте) до и во время процесса рассмотрения ее данным журналом, так как это может привести к продуктивному обсуждению и большему количеству ссылок на данную работу (См. The Effect of Open Access).


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Имена и адреса, указанные Вами при регистрации на этом сайте, будут использованы исключительно для технических целей: контакта с Вами или с рецензентами (редакторами) в процессе подготовки Вашей статьи к публикации. Они ни в коем случае не будут предоставляться другим лицам и организациям.


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