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The article analyzes the problems of demand for certain types of forensic examinations in criminal proceedings. It is suggested that in recent years the methods of committing crimes have changed, which in turn aff ect the formation of material traces of crimes that are the object of expert research. There is a tendency to reduce the possibility of formation of traditional traces and compensation of their missing volume by traces of information and computer origin, which require specific research methods characteristic of the class of forensic computer-technical examinations. The conclusion is made about the actualization of phonoscopic examination in connection with the need to study the phonograms of negotiations through mobile communication, Internet telephony, etc. The issues of expanding the capabilities of genetic and molecular expert research in solving problems of identifi cation are discussed. It is suggested that the actual absorption of genetic and molecular examination of the identification value of fingerprint examination, which is a traditional means of identification of the individual.

About the authors

V. V. Kubanov

Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Samara Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

Author for correspondence.
Email: grigorjewa.katerina@yandex.ru
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2020 Kubanov V.V.

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